The weeks immediately after birth may be a moving moment that you. Care and bond with your baby There are many practical things to do, such as balance sheets and vaccinations. Enjoy offered his support to help you through these stressful weeks.
Bringing baby home
Can bring out the hospital and medical teams baby home back-up, to give a mixture of emotions heightened. Feelings can a disorder sense of reality to euphoria and anxiety about your ability to take care of your newborn rich. It is important to take each day as it comes, take your time to physically recover from childbirth and to know your baby. If you already have a good support network, do not take help from family and friends, as well as using your Aviva offers benefits such as home help postnatal (PNHH). Otherwise, ask your family doctor or public health nurse (ISP) on the services that you can look for the back-up in your area.
Your baby can be one to two weeks check-up and a six-week check-up with the treating physician and / or pediatrician. Weight control must be carried out within two weeks. "Most babies can lose some of their birth weight before they leave the hospital - s .. Normal However, they need their birth weight by the time they are again two weeks PHN or practice nurse can do for you, "says the midwife Gráinne Grundy. The PHN will visit you a few days after discharge from the hospital after the birth of your baby." The NHP is informed by the hospital for the birth of your child. It is usually the fifth day in your home for metabolic screening test, also known as the conduct of the "Guthrie test" is known. Sometimes it will be in the hospital maternity when the fifth day falls on a weekend or a holiday, "said Gráinne." The NHP is a brief history of your delivery address, weigh your baby and you can feel your abdomen to make sure your uterus is normal after childbirth.
If you have stitches a cesarean can check this also, "said Gráinne., The PHN you checked on the development of your baby, if they occur over the next three years examined, and they can give you time for local support groups., you usually runs a clinic in the local health center, where they can provide the services of a balance to control the weight of your baby, "but be aware that the services offered may differ from the resources available, the may differ from one region to depend. Your baby is due vaccinations at two, four, six, twelve and 13 months. "They are free from your doctor and have a safe and easy way vaccination against certain diseases. Ask your doctor or practice nurse for more information, "says Gráinne.
Immunization Schedule
In Ireland, all recommended vaccinations for children are listed in the free calendar, which means that you do not pay for the vaccine or GP visits.
Bonding with baby
Massage can be shared between you and your baby a wonderful experience. It has many physical, mental and emotional benefits for babies and families who care for them, according to Liza Crotty Claphandies hosting classes massage. "Belonging to a class of baby massage is a great way to spend time with your baby and meet other new moms" The benefits, she said, are the following.:
Relief: Special massage techniques can help relieve colic, wind and constipation. In addition, baby massage can help treat baby with surgery or difficult birth. Stimulation: When you massage your baby regularly, physical growth and development is encouraged in a variety of ways. Scientific studies show that respiratory, muscular, circulatory and immune system while winning against the positive effects of massage. Your baby can easily gain weight and increase their ability to fight common infections that are exposed to all babies. In addition, massage stimulates neurological development and helps develop motor skills and coordination.
Collage: Eye contact in the eye and skin-to-skin contact and exchange of soothing sounds and smells all help and child bond. Other ways of knowing the bond with your baby and meet other new moms include parent assembly and groups of children. You can find information about local groups or by your doctor or district nurse to get your local health center. If there is not a group in your area, this group found in their own homes or community hall. This gives you the chance to meet new friends, have experiences and talk to other mothers who are going through the same steps as you. It pays to take the initiative to reach out to other moms in your neighborhood or the park and offers meeting walk or a coffee.
Cry Baby
The highlight crying for most babies will take between five and 12 weeks. Five babies cry or get angry every day for at least three hours for at least three days a week, especially at night. The first thing to remember is that a crying baby is the first form of communication and can be any number of things from which hungry, sick or just tired of my desire for a hug says Liza. "As you get to know your child, you will learn some shouts and identify what they mean - hunger, wind, a dirty diaper or tired," she said.
"When you have eliminated the obvious reasons and your baby continues to cry or seem worried, check their temperature. Normal temperature for a newborn baby is about 37 ° C, but this can vary from child to child . "Anything above 38 ° C. is worrying. stroked Trust your instincts and if your baby is sick, ask for help.", you will discover how to be preferred soothes your baby, Liza says that belong to gently rocked and sang with their backs, or a favorite stuffed animal.
He recommends avoiding methods that do not agree all the time, as a player in the car, and recommend trying to stay calm. "If your baby has periods of prolonged crying due to colic, for example, make sure you is someone to share the care and rest as much as possible. A full parent is not subject to a good baby, "said Liza. Dealing with persistent crying at a time when you are exhausted can be very stressful. Remember, however, that this difficult period will your baby grows. Try to keep your environment as quiet as possible and to get help so you can get small breaks. Discuss with a professional, whether it be your family doctor, a lactation consultant or a public health nurse.
Encourage good sleep habits for your baby
This is the question that most parents night guard - how your baby to sleep. Many books have been written on the subject and all the talk about the formation of sleep, crying and controlled management routines can be confusing. However, it is important to remember that all babies are different and while some fall into a routine play by their parents at an early age and sleep for long periods of time, most do not do. "The first thing to remember is that you regularly in the first few weeks of feeding your baby, including through the night, so accept this as a short-term scenario and rest as much as possible between meals," says Liza .
"Once your baby's body is able to spend the night without food, it is important to try to establish a good sleep routine. Whether your baby gets enough sleep during the day," she said. That means looking for signs that your baby is always tired and use this "window of sleep." Too much sleep during the day means that your baby is not tired enough. Up to one year, babies should get about three hours of sleep during the day, "says Liza.
"The creation of a relaxing bed-time routine like a bath, milk, story, which promotes sleep can help. Make sure the room is a comfortable and safe temperature, ie 16 ° C and 20 ° C. "It is also helpful to encourage your baby to sleep on their own to deal with. If you up that your baby is asleep before they wait in their bed, they can wake up in the night, in search of himself also confused. distinguish between day and night by night feeds calm, turn off the lights.
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