Friday, May 24, 2013

Choosing Safe Toys for your Children

Millions of toys are available in the market, and hundreds of new stores each year. Toys should be fun and are an essential part of the development of each child. But every year, dozens of children in hospital emergency rooms to be treated for injuries related to toys. Choking is a particular risk for children aged 3 years or less, as they tend to take things in their mouths.
Manufacturers follow certain guidelines and label most new toys for specific age groups. But perhaps the most important thing a parent can do is to control playback.

Here are some tips to keep in mind when buying toys:
  • Cloth toys should be labeled as flame resistant or flame retardant.
  • Plush must be washable.
  • Painted toys should be covered with lead-free paint.
  • Art materials are non-toxic.
Avoid older toys, even hand-me-downs from friends and family. These toys might have sentimental value and are certainly inexpensive, but they can not meet the safety standards in force and can be done on the game they break and be dangerous.

And make sure that the toy is not too loud for your child. The sound of rattles, squeaky toys and musical toys or electronics can be as loud as a car horn - even louder if a child is right on the ears - and can contribute to hearing loss.

The right toys at the right age
Read more and make sure a toy is appropriate for the age of a child. Guidelines issued by the CPSC and other groups can help you buy these decisions. But use your own discretion - and consider the temperament, habits and behavior of your child when you buy a new toy.

You may think that that is well advanced in comparison to peers child can be toys for older children thought matter. But the age levels for toys are determined by safety factors, not intelligence or maturity.

Here are some specific guidelines for age to keep in mind:
For infants, toddlers and preschoolers
  • Toys should be large enough - "(3 cm) in diameter and 2 ¼" (6 cm) in length at least 1 ¼ - so they are not swallowed or inserted into the trachea. A small parts tester, or choke can determine if a toy is too small. These tubes are designed to be roughly equal in diameter to be a child of the trachea. If an object is inserted into the tube, then it is too small for a young child. If you can not find any of these products, a roll of toilet paper can be used for the same purpose.
  •  Avoid marbles, coins, balls, and games with balls that 1.75 inches (4.4 cm) in diameter or less, because they are calls to the throat above the windpipe and interfere breathing.
  • Battery operated toys are battery cases that secure with screws so that children can not be forced. Batteries and severe acid battery risks, including choking, internal bleeding and burns.
In reviewing a toy for a baby or toddler, make sure it is unbreakable and strong enough to withstand chewing. So, make sure that it does not:
  • sharp ends or small parts like eyes, wheels, or buttons that can be pulled loose.
  • small ends which can extend into the back of the mouth.
  • Strings longer than 7 inches (18 centimeters).
  • Parts that could pinch points for small fingers.
Most riding toys can as soon as a child is able to sit and while supported - but check with the manufacturer's recommendation. Riding toys like horses and carriages rocking should come with belts or safety harnesses and sufficiently stable and secure to prevent tipping.

Stuffed animals and other toys that are sold or withdrawn at carnivals, fairs and machines are not required to comply with safety standards. Check carnival toys all parts and sharp edges before giving your child carefully.

For elementary students
  • Bicycles, scooters, skateboards and inline skates should never be without a helmet, the current standards of safety and other protective equipment recommended, such as hands, wrists and shin guards meet. Search CPSC or Snell certification on the labels.
  • Networks must be well trained and secured to the rim, so they will not have the risk of strangulation.
  • Darts or arrows toys should be flexible are not difficult tips or suction cups at the end points.
  • Toy guns should be brightly colored so they are not mistaken for real weapons, and children should learn, he never darts, arrows or guns at anyone.
  • BB guns or pellet guns should not be given to children under 16.
  • Electric toys should be labeled UL, meaning they meet safety standards set by Underwriters Laboratories.
Toys Ensuring security at home
Once you've bought safe toys, it is also important to ensure that children know how to use. The best way to do this is to play supervision. Play with your children teaches them how to play safely while having fun.

Parents should:
  • Teach your children put the toys.
  • Check toys regularly to ensure they are not broken or unusable:
  • Wooden toys should not shatter.
  • Bikes and outdoor toys should not rust.
  • Plush toys should not have broken seams or exposed removable parts.
  • Toss broken toys or repair immediately.
  • Storing outdoor toys when they are not in use, so they are not exposed to rain or snow.
And do not forget to keep toys clean. Some plastic toys can be cleaned in the dishwasher, but first read the manufacturer's instructions. Another option is to mix antibacterial soap or mild detergent with warm water in a spray bottle and use it to clean toys, rinse after.
Dangerous Goods
Many non-toys can also try children. It is important to keep away from:
  • Fireworks
  • Matches
  • Sharp scissors
  • Balloons (or broken balloons can be a strangulation hazard)

Cooking with Kids

The kitchen can be a fascinating place for young children. They see adults like to work there and watched the steam rising from pots on the stove, and the smell that's on the menu this evening. Even older children can by the way goods and fascinated cooked meals together. It is not always easy to help her in the kitchen, load, but keep in mind there when time permits.
Small children can see what you do to help a little on the table with small tasks such as stirring or. Older children can learn to break the eggs or measure ingredients. Even young people can be drawn into the kitchen, if you give them, they can choose the court and tell you to prepare with them.
For children it will seem fun, but there are other advantages of this time together:

See how the foods they eat are put together - and they get hands-on experience to learn and a great way to feel like they can help.

School children
Can learn some basics of cooking and to use their mathematical skills as they mix the ingredients for the recipes to help. You can also use the time to talk about good nutrition and why you chose the ingredients you use. It can lay the foundation for a healthy diet later.

Good preparation for when they need to cook for yourself - maybe the chance to appreciate improve their cooking skills. Young people can also interested in trying out different cuisines. Let them Asian food? Visit an Asian market and implement something authentic.
Parents get something out of this kitchen set, too. First, there is the quality of time that you share. Then there is the pleasure to sit at the same table to enjoy what you have fanned.

Here are some tips to have fun and stay healthy cooking with children.
Choose the right timeIf you have children to help in the kitchen, you do not want to be on a tight schedule. Instead of a dinner that you cook super-fast, get their help on a weekend afternoon when you do not feel crunched.
In younger, choose a time when they are well rested and not easily frustrated. It is also a good idea to have another adult in the kitchen to help you keep an eye on your junior chef.
Choose the right tasks Plan a little time in advance in order to decide what you prepare together. For younger children, consider starting with simple dishes with less than five ingredients. Then your child will not have to wait outside while you tackle a complicated step. A green salad or a simple muffin recipe can start good projects. You could also bake the pizza establishment of a production line, where the children can choose their own mini-crusts, sauces, cheeses and toppings. Older children can take cooking to the next level and together with you on difficult recipes.
If you selected a recipe, consider what steps your child can do independently. For example, children who can read can call the ingredients of the recipe card while they. Onto the counter A small child can help you enter pouring ingredients into a bowl. An older child may be able to measure the ingredients and add them without help.
Have preliminary work in advance, such as rinsing berries for muffins, the process move faster. If there is a break in the action, you should consider what your child a well-deserved break. Then you can call him if it do another kid-friendly task, or when it is time to enjoy what you do.

Children need support if they are in the kitchen. Preschoolers need to learn not to touch whirring electric mixer, hot stoves and stove.

Here are some safety tips:
 Touching give frequent reminders about what is okay and things that can hurt them.Talk about what kitchen tasks are for adults and for children.Establish rules of cooking, such as hand washing and not touching stove knobs or knife.Even older children need reminders of security, especially if they work with devices and knives, or pan.

Loosen up
The children can not rely on him to care in the kitchen. Even adults have problems with it. To your overall experience more fun for a little more chaos and try to be patient. To prevent cooking disasters that your child does not measure the ingredients in the bowl - a big risk oops. Instead, you could be measured separately and they. Shells into small, like they do on the cooking shows on TV
Even when things are not going well, try to keep the mood light. If the egg is made that cracked, offer some advice and let your child to try again. Gradually, the children will learn these skills - and feel great when they are controlled.
Last but not least, do not forget to complement your deputy chiefs for a job well done. Give them a taste of what you cooked together - and ask what you should do next time together. 

How to do Baby Massage

These techniques are good for babies who are not yet crawling. For the best chance of success, do not try a massage before or just after a meal or when she needs a nap. If you think she is ready to sit on the floor with a towel and a small bowl of oil massage. If your baby seems uncomfortable or starts to cry before finishing the massage, to stop and give him a hug instead.

The legs
His legs are a good place to start because they are less sensitive parts of their body. With a little oil, wrap your hands around one of her thighs and pull down with one hand after another pressed gently, as if you are "milking" his leg. Switch legs and repeat.

Take a walk and turn gently a few times in each direction, then go top of his foot from the ankle to the toes. and switching feet repeat

The soles
Use your thumb to draw circles around the foot.

At the end of the feet take each toe between your thumb and forefinger and pull until your fingers slide over the end. Repeat for all ten toes.

The arms
Take one of the weapons in their hands, and repeat the movement discusses his armpit to his wrist. Then take your hand and gently rotate his wrist a few times in each direction. Switch arms and repeat.

Draw small circles on the palm of each hand with your thumb.

Carefully remove one finger between the thumb and forefinger and pull, slip through his fingers close enough to touch. Repeat for all fingers and thumbs.

Put your hands in prayer position in his heart. Then open your hands slowly outward stroke and slightly flatten the palms in front of chest. Repeat several times.
Place one hand flat on the top of his chest. Gently caress her thigh. Repeat the motion, alternating hands several times.

Place your baby on his tummy. Fingertips traced small circles on each side of the spine from the neck to the buttocks.
Finish with a few long firm strokes from the shoulders to their feet. When you are finished, put on his coat and cuddly or breastfeed. You'll probably fall asleep!

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Baby Bathing Guide

Some babies like to be in the water, and give your baby a warm bath can be fun and relaxing daily ritual.
This does not mean that you bath your baby every day. If your baby is born, a bath once or twice a week is enough to keep it clean. Remember that if you live in an area with hard water, tap water can dry and damage the skin of your baby.
Between baths, wash your baby's face to regularly clean his genitals and bottom after each diaper change, and then wipe the dirt from his skin.
If you bath your baby, you can be a little scary at first. It is a good idea to have someone with you to give you some support. It is also useful if you have something that you forget for your baby. Until you get into a routine, you will probably find that this is a common occurrence!
Wind handling a baby, wet and slippery comes to practice and get used to the trust, but you and your baby time to bathe and enjoy. Most babies find soothing hot water and bathroom can help to relax and soothe a fussy baby.

Where should I bath my baby?
For starters, you may find it easier to use the sink or a small plastic baby bath.
You can use your big bathroom, but it can be cumbersome, as you kneel or lean to one side. If you use your large bathroom, it may be helpful to a bath seat or support, or a rubber mat or base use the sponge bath.

When should I bath my baby?
Choose a time of day when you do not expect interruptions and have time to spend with your baby. It is best if your baby is awake and happy before you start, and between feedings when he is hungry or full.
Maybe if your baby is born, you will find it easier for him to swim during the day. But after a few months, a bathroom can become a part of his bedtime routine.
Hot water can help relax your baby and make him sleep. This is also an opportunity for other family members to get involved. The bathroom is a night of child care, fathers assume that quite often.
If someone comes to the door or the phone rings and you think you need to answer, take your baby and take it with you.
Let your baby alone in the bath, even for a few seconds. This might just be the time to get your baby into trouble in the water, even if it is to be sitting in a bath.

What is the best way to get my baby a bath?
At first, you can bathe your baby seem like a daunting task, with all the things that you need to remember to have at hand. It will be easier. It will not be long before you bathe your baby is another routine that you did for art.
Before you start your baby bathe, collect all the things you need. It may be:
A bowl of hot water, boiled and cooled, if your baby is less than two months to wash the face.
Several specific elements of wadding.
A sponge or washcloth.
Detergent baby, sweet or softening bath soap.
At least a clean, dry towel. Hooded towels are good to wrap your baby from head to toe.
A thermometer if you have one, for the temperature of the water used in the test.
A square of muslin cloth or old, if you have a little boy. It can get a little when his diaper is off and he felt the cool air on his skin.
A diaper and clean clothes.
A warm blanket

Before your baby a bath, wash your face. It's easier than trying to do it while your baby is in the water. It is not necessary to use soap or cleanser on the face of your baby.
Wash your baby's face soaked with clean piece of cotton wool in warm water (boiled, if your baby is less than two months) and squeezed.
If your baby is dry mucus in the nose or eyes, dab the first soften the mucus. Wipe each eye with a new piece of cotton soaked outward from the face.

Now follow these steps to make simple nursery:
Keep the hot room and the bath water warm, but not hot. If you have a bath thermometer, heat the water to about 37 degrees C.
In newborns and infants up to six months, fill the sink with about 13cm (5 inches) of water. Or just make sure that it covered well enough for your baby in the water with his shoulders to settle. Fill the bathroom more at mid-height (sitting) for older babies.

Bring your baby to the bath area, undress him and remove his coat. If there poop in the diaper, clean the genitals and the buttocks of the baby before it. Taking a bath

Gradually slip your baby in the bath, to assist with one hand around his neck and head. Keep a good handle on how it could get very slippery when wet.

Wash your baby with a mild unscented soap or baby neutral pH liquid detergent. If your baby's skin is dry or sensitive, you can use a little softening bath water. The plasticizers is to handle your baby slippery, however.

Use your hand or a washcloth or sponge to clean your baby from top to bottom and from front to back. For your baby's genitals, a routine washing everything you need.

Lift your baby out of the bath and directly on a dry towel. Wrap warm and rather than rub it dry. You can smooth on a gentle moisturizing lotion or oil or cream if your skin is dry.

Dress your baby in clean clothes, wrap them in a warm blanket dry, and give him a kiss on the head fragrant.

Once your baby is a few months, can share a bath with him, you or your partner. As in the bath with your baby is a great way for you to each other near. This is a great opportunity for fathers, valuable time skin-to-skin contact with their baby have, too.

Take a quick shower or wash before. In the bathtub Make sure the water is warm, not hot. Use detergent and washing sweet baby, like your usual bathroom products are too harsh for your baby's skin.

It can be difficult and risky, in and out of the bath, while your baby, ask your partner or anyone else for help.

You can make your baby happen if you raise and bring it back when you are done.

Baby First Aid

If you are pregnant or plan to become pregnant or already the proud mother of a brood are small, serve some knowledge of first-aid baby grows you and your family and develops. You can learn a lot about first aid for infants and the general well-being of babies by reading online (due to for example) or in pounds. However, the theoretical knowledge of first aid is no competition for a "hands on" First Aid Training for Children.
Baby First aid course
Ask your doctor if you find a course in first aid baby in your area.
There are courses that are taught over several weeks, after which you must pass a test to obtain a first aid certificate. These courses generally combine theory and practice. They read and write in first aid, and practicing first aid on the other participants or, in the case of learning infant CPR on a dummy baby.
It is also much shorter course, sometimes consisting of only a morning or afternoon, which. On a particular aspect of first aid baby or the baby's health, such as childhood diseases and vaccines You can probably find these courses through your local community center, your doctor, etc.
Wider course will teach you not only how to deal with major and minor injuries, but also how to look for possible scenarios of first aid and when to take your child for medical reasons, perhaps even emergency treatment. Lookout
First aid training specialized baby
There are special courses for parents of young children. These courses train you not only how to deal with accidents, but also how the management and treatment of childhood diseases, should suddenly become very sick baby. A course like this cover, for example:
- Make a plan for what you are to do in an emergency
- Treat your baby when he is unconscious
- Infant Resuscitation
- Prevent choking baby (and how to treat it when it occurs choking)
- Dealing with asthma and emergencies involving young children with diabetes
- The treatment of head injuries
- Crisis Management
- Stop the bleeding
- The treatment of burns
- Treat sprains, strains and fractures
- What to do in case of poisoning, bites and stings
- Dealing with foreign objects your child can somehow his body (you would be surprised what mothers are in the nose and the ears of the children!)
- And other childhood diseases (eg, allergies, ear infections, measles, meningitis, etc.)

Before you enroll in a course to ensure that it is approved by a pediatric specialist, or adjusted with the help of her doctor for qualified children.
Baby First Aid Kit
An 'early years' first-aid course, you should teach about the equipment and drugs for babies, you need to prepare a first aid kit for your baby at home., You also have the option of buying a pre-assembled. Below are our recommendations on essential baby aid kit ...
- A waterproof case for sustainable kit, preferably one that is easy to transport, you can take it with you wherever you go.
- A safe first-aid manual so that in the heat of battle, if you forget some aspects of your training, you have to use some tips.
- Analgesics medications that are safe for babies (they can be used to treat fever, infections, headaches, etc.).
- A medicine measuring cup or other device that accurately tells you how much medicine to give your child.
- Plaster, tape, bandages and sterile gauze (for strains, cuts, blisters, etc.).
- Antiseptic lotion, wipes, cream or spray to clean wounds.
- Cream antihistamine to relieve itching, painful stings or bites.
Calamine lotion to relieve skin rashes or other skin diseases baby -.
- Scissors, tweezers and ice packs.
- Saline produced specifically for the cleaning of eyes and eye bath (if your child can get something in his eyes).
Digital thermometer to measure the temperature of your baby -.
With a first aid training under your belt your confidence will strengthen and make you better able to deal with minor problems. Note that in a major emergency first aid should only keep the patient until professional medical help still alive. If your baby is bleeding heavily, breathing difficulties, unconsciousness or semi-conscious, a crisis, swallow something poisonous or has symptoms of meningitis - call an ambulance immediately.

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Caring of Newborn

The weeks immediately after birth may be a moving moment that you. Care and bond with your baby There are many practical things to do, such as balance sheets and vaccinations. Enjoy offered his support to help you through these stressful weeks.

Bringing baby home
Can bring out the hospital and medical teams baby home back-up, to give a mixture of emotions heightened. Feelings can a disorder sense of reality to euphoria and anxiety about your ability to take care of your newborn rich. It is important to take each day as it comes, take your time to physically recover from childbirth and to know your baby. If you already have a good support network, do not take help from family and friends, as well as using your Aviva offers benefits such as home help postnatal (PNHH). Otherwise, ask your family doctor or public health nurse (ISP) on the services that you can look for the back-up in your area.

Your baby can be one to two weeks check-up and a six-week check-up with the treating physician and / or pediatrician. Weight control must be carried out within two weeks. "Most babies can lose some of their birth weight before they leave the hospital - s .. Normal However, they need their birth weight by the time they are again two weeks PHN or practice nurse can do for you, "says the midwife Gráinne Grundy. The PHN will visit you a few days after discharge from the hospital after the birth of your baby." The NHP is informed by the hospital for the birth of your child. It is usually the fifth day in your home for metabolic screening test, also known as the conduct of the "Guthrie test" is known. Sometimes it will be in the hospital maternity when the fifth day falls on a weekend or a holiday, "said Gráinne." The NHP is a brief history of your delivery address, weigh your baby and you can feel your abdomen to make sure your uterus is normal after childbirth.

If you have stitches a cesarean can check this also, "said Gráinne., The PHN you checked on the development of your baby, if they occur over the next three years examined, and they can give you time for local support groups., you usually runs a clinic in the local health center, where they can provide the services of a balance to control the weight of your baby, "but be aware that the services offered may differ from the resources available, the may differ from one region to depend. Your baby is due vaccinations at two, four, six, twelve and 13 months. "They are free from your doctor and have a safe and easy way vaccination against certain diseases. Ask your doctor or practice nurse for more information, "says Gráinne.

Immunization Schedule
In Ireland, all recommended vaccinations for children are listed in the free calendar, which means that you do not pay for the vaccine or GP visits.

Bonding with baby
Massage can be shared between you and your baby a wonderful experience. It has many physical, mental and emotional benefits for babies and families who care for them, according to Liza Crotty Claphandies hosting classes massage. "Belonging to a class of baby massage is a great way to spend time with your baby and meet other new moms" The benefits, she said, are the following.:

Relief: Special massage techniques can help relieve colic, wind and constipation. In addition, baby massage can help treat baby with surgery or difficult birth. Stimulation: When you massage your baby regularly, physical growth and development is encouraged in a variety of ways. Scientific studies show that respiratory, muscular, circulatory and immune system while winning against the positive effects of massage. Your baby can easily gain weight and increase their ability to fight common infections that are exposed to all babies. In addition, massage stimulates neurological development and helps develop motor skills and coordination.

Collage: Eye contact in the eye and skin-to-skin contact and exchange of soothing sounds and smells all help and child bond. Other ways of knowing the bond with your baby and meet other new moms include parent assembly and groups of children. You can find information about local groups or by your doctor or district nurse to get your local health center. If there is not a group in your area, this group found in their own homes or community hall. This gives you the chance to meet new friends, have experiences and talk to other mothers who are going through the same steps as you. It pays to take the initiative to reach out to other moms in your neighborhood or the park and offers meeting walk or a coffee.

Cry Baby
The highlight crying for most babies will take between five and 12 weeks. Five babies cry or get angry every day for at least three hours for at least three days a week, especially at night. The first thing to remember is that a crying baby is the first form of communication and can be any number of things from which hungry, sick or just tired of my desire for a hug says Liza. "As you get to know your child, you will learn some shouts and identify what they mean - hunger, wind, a dirty diaper or tired," she said.

"When you have eliminated the obvious reasons and your baby continues to cry or seem worried, check their temperature. Normal temperature for a newborn baby is about 37 ° C, but this can vary from child to child . "Anything above 38 ° C. is worrying. stroked Trust your instincts and if your baby is sick, ask for help.", you will discover how to be preferred soothes your baby, Liza says that belong to gently rocked and sang with their backs, or a favorite stuffed animal.

He recommends avoiding methods that do not agree all the time, as a player in the car, and recommend trying to stay calm. "If your baby has periods of prolonged crying due to colic, for example, make sure you is someone to share the care and rest as much as possible. A full parent is not subject to a good baby, "said Liza. Dealing with persistent crying at a time when you are exhausted can be very stressful. Remember, however, that this difficult period will your baby grows. Try to keep your environment as quiet as possible and to get help so you can get small breaks. Discuss with a professional, whether it be your family doctor, a lactation consultant or a public health nurse.

Encourage good sleep habits for your baby
This is the question that most parents night guard - how your baby to sleep. Many books have been written on the subject and all the talk about the formation of sleep, crying and controlled management routines can be confusing. However, it is important to remember that all babies are different and while some fall into a routine play by their parents at an early age and sleep for long periods of time, most do not do. "The first thing to remember is that you regularly in the first few weeks of feeding your baby, including through the night, so accept this as a short-term scenario and rest as much as possible between meals," says Liza .

"Once your baby's body is able to spend the night without food, it is important to try to establish a good sleep routine. Whether your baby gets enough sleep during the day," she said. That means looking for signs that your baby is always tired and use this "window of sleep." Too much sleep during the day means that your baby is not tired enough. Up to one year, babies should get about three hours of sleep during the day, "says Liza.

"The creation of a relaxing bed-time routine like a bath, milk, story, which promotes sleep can help. Make sure the room is a comfortable and safe temperature, ie 16 ° C and 20 ° C. "It is also helpful to encourage your baby to sleep on their own to deal with. If you up that your baby is asleep before they wait in their bed, they can wake up in the night, in search of himself also confused. distinguish between day and night by night feeds calm, turn off the lights.

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Breastfeeding Tips: New mothers need to know

You know the benefits of breastfeeding. Breast milk contains the right balance of nutrients for your baby. Breast milk is easier to digest than commercial preparations, and the antibodies in breast milk increases the immune system of your baby. Breastfeeding can also help you lose weight after the baby is born. However, breastfeeding can be difficult. Use these tips on breastfeeding to a good start.
Get help immediately
Continue reading about breastfeeding is one thing. Doing it on your own is something else. The first time you breastfeed your baby - ask for help - preferably within the first hour after birth. Maternity nurses or lactation consultant hospital lactation give advice, starting with how to position and make sure he or she really lock the baby. Can provide your doctor or physician advice on breastfeeding your baby, too.

Finding a comfortable position. 
Prop yourself up with pillows if necessary. Then cradle your baby close to your chest - instead of down or we on your chest to carry your baby. Support the head of a baby hand and support your breast with your other hand. Tickle your baby's lower lip with your nipple. Encourage your baby to open his mouth, and he or she is in a part of the dark area around the nipple (areola) do. Your nipple is far back in the baby's mouth, and the baby's tongue will be covered under the chest. Watch and listen to a rhythmic suck and swallow.

If you need to remove the baby from the breast, the first suction by inserting your finger into the corner of your baby's mouth.

Let your baby pace
During the first weeks, most babies breastfeed every two to three hours around the clock. Watch for early signs of hunger, such as agitation movements, nervousness, and sucking lips.

Allow your child to nurse the chest first thoroughly until your chest is sweet - usually about 20 minutes. Then try to burp the baby. Then offer the second breast. If your baby is still hungry, he or she will dock. Otherwise, just start the next session of the diet with the other breast. If your baby constantly keeps one breast feeding during the first few weeks, the other pump to relieve pressure and protect your milk.

Hold off on a pacifier
Some babies are happiest when they suck something. Enter pacifier - but there is a caveat. Give your baby a pacifier can interfere with early breastfeeding, since sucking the breast is different from sucking a lollipop. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends waiting to introduce a pacifier until breastfeeding is well established, usually three to four weeks after birth. Can protect Avoid pacifiers shortly after birth, your milk production and the promotion of a healthy weight gain for your baby.

Track your success
If your baby has passed, a feeling of gentle traction you feel in your chest - rather than a pinching sensation or bite on the nipple. Your breasts may feel firm or full before feeding and softer afterwards or empty. Be sure to save your baby's weight regularly, producing at least six wet diapers per day and content between feedings. Your baby stool is yellow, shabby and loose.

Pay attention to your nipples
After each feeding, it is OK for the milk to dry naturally on your nipple. Milk can soothe your nipples. If you hurry, you hit your nipple dry. If your breasts between feedings leak, use bra pads - and change them often. When you bathe, minimizing the amount of soap, shampoo and other cleaning products that could communicate your nipples. If your nipples are dry, cracked, using purified lanolin or a hydrogel dressing after each feeding. These products are available without prescription in most pharmacies. Both can soothe cracks and to help keep moisture from your nipples.

Healthy Lifestyle
Your life choices are just as important if you are breastfeeding, because if you were pregnant, were are. For example:

Eat a healthy diet. Stick to healthy eating is essential, as the choice of many fruits, vegetables and whole grains. Your doctor may recommend a daily multivitamin - or continue to take prenatal vitamins - as well.

Drink plenty of fluids. 
Water, juice and milk can help you stay hydrated. Moderate amounts of caffeine are generally considered as well - but scale back if you think too much caffeine lead to irritability or interfere with your baby's sleep. If you choose an occasional alcoholic drink, avoid breastfeeding for two hours.
Rest as much as possible. If you can, sleep when the baby sleeps.

Do not smoke
Smoking can decrease your milk production as well as the taste of your milk and interfere with your child's sleep. Passive smoking is also a concern. Passive smoking increases the risk of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), as well as asthma, bronchitis, pneumonia and infection of the middle ear (otitis media).
Be careful with medications. Many medications are safe to take while breastfeeding. Nevertheless, it is better for your health care provider first OK.

Also, ask your child's doctor about vitamin D supplements for the baby, especially if you are breastfeeding exclusively. Breast milk may not have enough vitamin D, which helps your baby to absorb calcium and phosphorus there - nutrients needed for strong bones.

Give it time
If breastfeeding is more difficult than expected, try not to get discouraged. Feeding a newborn for a few hours is exhausting, and it is normal to have a slow start. Remember that the more often your baby breastfeeds, the more milk your breasts will produce - and breastfeeding is more likely to feel.

If you have problems, ask a lactation consultant or your baby's doctor for help - especially if the diet is painful or your baby is not gaining weight. Even if your nipples tender for the first few weeks may be breastfeeding should not hurt. If you have not worked with a lactation consultant, ask your baby's doctor for a referral or check with the department of obstetrics at a local hospital.

Reasons Babies Cry and how to relexe them

There is no way around it: Babies cry. That's how they communicate hunger, pain, fear, a need for sleep, and more.So, how is one to know what their baby is trying to tell their parents? It can be difficult to interpret your child cries, especially at first.
Here are the most common reasons babies cry. If your child is moan and you do not know why you work your way down the list. The chances are good that you have something that helps to find.

This is probably the first thing you think of when your baby cries.
Learn to recognize the signs of hunger will help you start your baby's feedings before the crying stage. Some signs to watch for in newborns: malaise, smacking, rooting (a newborn reflex that babies turn your head toward your hand when you stroke his cheek caused), and their hands in their mouth.

A dirty diaper
Some babies let you know right away if they need to be changed. Others can tolerate a dirty diaper for a while.
Either way, it is easy to check and easy to fix.

Sleep needs
Not happy babies? If they are tired, they can simply go to sleep - anytime, anywhere. Or adults like to think.
In reality, it is more difficult for them than you might think. Instead of falling asleep babies may fuss and cry, especially if they are too tired.

Want to Hug
Babies need lots of hugs. They love to her parents' faces, their voices, see and listen to their heartbeats, and can even detect their unique smell. You may wonder if you, To give your arms some relief, try wearing your baby in a sling or front door.
If your baby is crying and often moves to the right is fed, he can feel a kind of stomach pain. Many parents swear by over-the-counter anti-gas drops for babies or water charges (herbs and sodium bicarbonate). Get approval from your doctor before using one of these.
Even if your baby has colic is not and was never after eating is difficult, an occasional bout of gas pain can make him miserable until he works. If you suspect gas, try something simple to eliminate it such as putting him on his back, holding his feet, and moving his legs in a motion sweet bike.

Needs to burp
Burping is not mandatory. But if your baby cries after a feeding, a good burp everything he needs.

Babies swallow air when they breastfeed or suck on a bottle, and if the air is not released it may cause some discomfort. Some babies are intensely by. Air in her stomach trouble, while others do not seem to burp or need to burp all good

Too cold or too hot
If your baby feels cold, like when you remove his clothes to change a diaper or clean the buttocks with a cold towel, he may protest by crying.

Newborns like bundled up and kept warm - but not too hot. In general, they are comfortable to wear another layer as you need to be comfortable. Babies are less likely to complain about too hot than too cold, and they are not about how strong cry.

Something small
Babies can be as hard as a hair around a little toe or finger cut off traffic to be bothered by something tight spot. (Doctors call this painful situation "hair tourniquet," and it is one of the first things they look for if a baby seems to cry for no reason.)

Some babies are very sensitive to things like scratchy clothing tags or fabric.and they can be very picky (of course) on subtleties of the position they held in the bottle that you offer.

Teething can be painful as each new tooth pushes through tender young gums. Some babies suffer more than others, but all are likely to be fussy and tearful at some point along the way.
If your baby seems to be in pain, and you do not know why, try feeling his gums with your finger. You may be surprised to discover the hard tooth substance has a node on the way in.
On average, the first tooth breaks through 4-7 months, but it can happen earlier.

Means less stimulation
Babies learn from the stimulation of the world around them, but they sometimes have difficulty processing it all - the lights, the noise, passed from hand to hand. Crying can be the way to tell a baby. "I'm tired"
Many babies love to be wrapped. It seems they feel safer if the world confusing. If your baby is too old to wrap or do not like, try to withdraw a quiet place and let your baby wind for some time to deal with a crisis.

Want more stimulation
"Demanding" a baby can see the world outgoing and eager. And often the only way to stop the crying and fussing is to stay active. This can be very stressful for you!
Try "wearing" your baby in a sling, front door, or backpack. Plan plenty of activities. Hanging out with other parents with babies. Make regular trips to kid-friendly places, whether it's your local playground, a children's museum, or the zoo.

Not Feel good
If your baby's basic needs are met and comforted him, and he still cries, he could come up with something. You can eliminate their temperature to fever and be alert for other signs of the disease.
The cry of a sick baby tends to be caused by one of hunger or frustration. If your baby is crying "do not come from the right" to trust your instincts and call or see a doctor.

Baby Health and Safety

This is why the baby's health and safety awareness is so important. Whether you are a first time mom-to-be or a veteran parent with four children already, it's never too early to learn more about the safety of children, or just to refresh your knowledge.
Child safety movement:
Driver safety is the key to keeping your baby safe on the road. If you as a driver to obey the rules of the road, do not speed and do not take risks driving, you are already doing a lot to protect your child. Of course, you can not be responsible for the behavior of other drivers - that's why you need a car seat.
The car seat is designed to secure your baby in a safe and comfortable position to ensure that it is the least harm if your vehicle is involved in an accident. Even after your child outgrows the car seat for your baby, he'll need a car booster seat until around 8 years, to help use adult seat belt safely.
Safety standards for car seats for children are improving all the time. The best way to ensure that you have a safe product to buy new and manufacturer of reliable car seats.

Baby Home Safety
Baby Proofing your home is an eye-opening experience for the first time parent. Unless you can remember what it was like to be a baby or toddler (and this is unlikely), you really do not know what evil they can get by coming into contact with objects inanimate apparently innocent.

You'll find lots of advice on online safety and your baby clinic baby can probably give you some information about removing risk, etc. Other parents of young children also tend to be experts on this kind of thing, do not forget to pick their brains!

Another element of the baby's safety at home is to ensure that the products you bring into your home for your baby is safe. baby high chairs, toys, bouncers and swings are all products for babies should be used with caution and in accordance with the instructions if you want to avoid accidents. From time to time, baby products are being recalled for safety reasons. You can find this product updates safety recall on the site of the Juvenile Products Manufacturers Association.

Nutrition and child health
Of course, baby nutrition plays a big role in keeping your baby healthy. The best source of personalized advice on baby food and nutrition for your child's pediatrician, but there are plenty of reliable medical sites that can give you general information.

First Aid Training
If you want to start a family, first aid training should definitely be part of your parenting plan. You can find a first aid course with your health care provider or doctor baby. The best course will give you an emergency training in how to deal with crises such as baby choking or even what to do when a child stops breathing.

Do not think that because you've seen doctors do cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) to the TV you have a basic idea of ​​how works resuscitation. Giving a baby CPR is not the same as giving it to an adult - you have to use your fingers instead of the heel of your hand on the chest for a start. A good first aid training course will teach you how to make a fake baby - I hope it's the closest you'll ever get to perform CPR child.

Of course, first aid training will also teach you how to deal with most minor emergencies - cuts, bruises, blisters, etc.

Learn Yourself
You should also be aware of the issues of child safety and childhood diseases. Knowing how to spot the warning signs of a health problem can potentially baby you and your baby to save a lot of heartache. is a great source of exactly this type of information, such as your health care provider.

First aid kits
Equip you with a first aid kit decent backup is essential when you have kids around the house. Many parents find that if they buy equipment for any eventuality, they end up with a first compartment for help rather than just one kit. You may want to consider buying a kit that comes pre-packed with all the essentials, to prevent overloading. These can be purchased over the Internet or from your pharmacy.

After Pregnancy Diet and Exercise

Even if you've lost about 12 pounds after the birth, you will probably leave the hospital looking almost as pregnant as when you teamed waddling And even if you could not wait until your body after birth as by transforming magic in the form of pre-pregnancy to deliver in a few weeks, you probably do not expect to stick around or sagging belly - or people who ask if you're child through in rare If you travel. So how do you work best in the diet and exercise after pregnancy? Start with these new mom mantra: slow and steady.
Diet after pregnancy
They are recovered, and you'll need enough rest and nutrition to fuel your energy, and if you are breastfeeding, you should keep your milk flowing. Rather than a crash diet, you should eat a balanced diet rich in nutrients that breastfeeding for you and your baby. Choose foods in bulk are great, but the lowest in calories, so you'll fill without filling - whole grains, fruits and raw or steamed vegetables. To pass more calcium (and the baby on your chest for five servings a day instead of four must) and packaging protein in your diet after pregnancy in the form of lean meat, fish and eggs. And to nursing mothers heart, because many women find more success with weight loss after pregnancy during lactation (milk production burns about 500 calories per day).

Even if you do not want to breastfeed, you're still on the coast, strength and rebuild your nutrients, so it is best to avoid these schemes which cut one food group or another. In fact, a sensible diet after pregnancy, which is low in fat can help you lose baby weight after pregnancy. What help? Realistic goals for yourself - Weight loss after pregnancy is not impossible, but it took some time (9 months to be exact) to develop a baby in there, and it will take more than a few weeks some ab exercises to save this pre-baby body.

Exercise after pregnancy
A healthy diet is the first step to get your pre-baby body, the next is to work in the postpartum period. Of course, exercise is the last thing you want to do. You are tired. You are wrong. You have a newborn crying. Night. Many.

So, to start, you cut some slack! In fact, during the first six weeks after birth, try not to worry about the shape of your body, but it is difficult (and these pictures of hot celebrity moms splashed on the covers of magazines and online help not work). Again, start small, especially if you (do not forget to check with your doctor to get the green light on the post-partum period) had a caesarean section. Make some modified push-ups at home and make you start later, you can belly fat after pregnancy to deal with some specialized postpartum exercises in a park with the baby.

Diet and exercise for a healthy life
Diet and exercise after pregnancy do not need to be complicated (or time suck) his effort, but a slight change in lifestyle. The key to losing weight after pregnancy? Just stay active and eat a nutritious diet, and you will see the pounds fall off slowly. In addition, a healthy and balanced diet after pregnancy, give you more energy - energy that you definitely need to deal with your baby!

Must Eat Foods during Pregnancy

Now it is expected, will try to think more seriously about what you feed because the food you eat is the most important source of nutrients for the growth of your baby.

During pregnancy, for example, you need protein and calcium in the tissues and bones of your baby. You also need to protect the extra folic acid against birth defects neural tube and iron in red blood cells to carry oxygen to your baby.

Get a good start with this pregnancy super foods.

Whole grains
Enriched breads and cereals fortified with folic acid and iron, and have more fiber than white bread and rice. Working whole grains into your day: oatmeal for breakfast, a sandwich on wheat bread for lunch and whole wheat pasta and brown rice for dinner.

Add black beans, red beans, pinto beans, lentils, peas, black-eyed beans, chick peas or soy beans to your diet. Try to Chile and soups, salads and pasta dishes. Besides providing the protein and fiber, but they are also a good source of important nutrients such as iron, folic acid, calcium, and zinc.

Omega-3 fatty acids are good for the brain and eyes of your baby, and salmon is an excellent source. It also provides protein and vitamin B. Salmon is also relatively low compared to other mercury in fish. Try it grilled, fried or salad. You can eat up to 12 ounces of low-mercury fish such as salmon, per week.

Eggs are versatile and a good source of protein, amino acids, you and your baby need supplies. They contain more than a dozen vitamins and minerals, including choline, which is good for baby's brain development. However, you should not eat raw or undercooked eggs.

Blueberries, raspberries, blackberries and taste delicious snacks and pancakes and more grains. The berries are full of vitamin C, potassium, folate and fiber.

Low-fat yogurt
A cup of low fat yogurt contains more calcium than milk, is rich in protein, and have no sugar flavored yogurt. Dress it up with crisp fruit or grains.

Tips to get Pregnant Fast

Do not neglect your pre-pregnancy checkup
Before preparing for pregnancy, the man and woman should consult a doctor to ensure that the couple's reproductive systems do not usually work to fish in the air and waste time.

The essential conditions for pregnancy:
  • The ovarian function is normal and ordinary eggs 
  •  Man semen is normal
  • The egg and sperm cells are integrated into the fallopian tubes, and then the fertilized egg can usually within the uterine cavity 
  • The endometrium is well prepared, suitable for the development of the fertilized ovum. Anomaly in the link will lead to infertility.
Calculating the ovulatory period and scheduling the sexual activity
The biggest secret to get pregnant quickly is to know when you ovulate. Ovulation is usually 14 days before beginning of menstruation, and controlled by the test paper, and the temperature of the base body. The body temperature decreases sharply ovulation, and rise the next day and keep it until the next menstrual period. It is better to have sex 6 days before expected ovulation period because sperm can survive for 5 ~ 6 days in the female body. In order to keep a sufficient number of sperm is to love effective to make love every day several times a day to make. How do you know when you are ovulating

The position of the woman's body lying on her back and the man is lying on her sex in more advantageous to become pregnant. The females are raised slightly better on the back with the back for 15-30 minutes after intercourse, so that the cervix into the semen can be soaked.

Making love in the afternoon
After exploring the probability of conception during the day by scientists, if you want to get pregnant is the best time to make love 5 ~ 19:00 o `clock. The research concludes that both the quality and quantity of sperm vary greatly during the day, but they reach the maximum value in the last period of the late accident is also the time when the females are more likely to get pregnant .

Saying no to smoking/alcohol/drugs and stopping medicines
If you smoke or take drugs, please stop as soon as possible. Snuff can interfere with fertility drugs or alcohol. For some drugs, its effect remains in the body after the function ends. Numerous studies have shown that smoking and drug use cause premature birth and low birth weight infant birth abortion. In addition, research shows that smoking affect reproductive capacity and quantity of sperm of men. Women who should be the pill for a long time to prepare for a pregnancy two months after stopping its use.

Reject caffeine
Research shows that excessive consumption of caffeine intake of iron (pregnancy requires a lot of iron) to prevent the meantime they will increase the risk of still birth. Therefore, it is better that these types of drinks such as coffee, tea, cola, etc, and are turning to decaffeinated beverages. It is better to gradually reduce the amount of drinks with caffeine by the sudden stop headaches. If you are really addicted to them, you can ask, drink a glass every day what the safe limit is accepted by most experts. If you are used to drink small amounts of caffeine or a life without him, milk is a drink is really tasty and also contains calcium, it is very beneficial for you.

Weight control
Do you bad that you lose or gain weight before trying to get pregnant? In fact, it is reasonable to say that because women with weight in the normal range are more likely to get pregnant. Research shows that women whose body mass index less than 20 or greater than 30 comparatively suitable for pregnancy. Therefore, better control of their BMI figure within 20 ~ 30 before preparation of pregnancy. If your weight in the normal range, may increase your chance of pregnancy, shifting your body weight. Please consult professionals to make excercise a number of plans to achieve the ideal weight.

Healthy food choices
From now on, you should start choosing nutritious foods in order to book the valuable nutrients for breeding environment of the child. You should eat a lot of added fruits and vegetables, grains and large amounts of calcium-rich foods such as milk, orange juice and yogurt calcium every day. If you eat fish, you should be careful because some types of fish, such as shark, marlin, mackerel and tilefish to high mercury content (Hg rule exists in the body of the fish in the form contain methyl mercury), as they are rich in protein. A large amount of methyl mercury is harmful to the developing brain of the fetus. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) of the United States recommended that pregnant women stay away from these fish and other cooked fish consumption should not be more than 340 grams per week. This advice is important reference value for you. Foods that help you get pregnant can

Realization and insist on a number of long-term plans for bodybuilding
Now start doing a series of training plans, and you will reap the healthy body more on the fetus unsubscribe. According to the study of the American Sports Medicine Association, a number of methods for constructing drill body consists of three parts: 1) aerobics for 20 ~ 60 minutes per day for 3 to 5 days a week, for as walking or cycling, improved 2) muscle training during 2-3 days a week, work out in the device thickness, 3) flexibility exercises for 2 or 3 days a week as Regular stretching exercises, yoga. And besides, even if you are pregnant, this type of exercise a problem for you, and you will not even recommended to continue with them.

If you usually do not like to exercise, you should increase the amount of exercise step by step. Starting with a little practice is easy, for example, for a walk for 10 ~ 20 minutes per day or adding a certain amount of movement in everyday life, such as climbing stairs instead of the elevator or to go to from the bus one or two seasons in advance and walk home.

Dietary supplements with folic acid in sufficient
The animal experiment shows that the lack of folic acid is the level of folic acid in serum cause obvious decrease, thereby increasing the likelihood of conception in the female hamster. And scientists also found that a lack of folic acid affect sperm formation, even for men infertility. It is developed in the recipe to get pregnant fast, are foods rich in folic acid are essential. Foods rich in folic acid are lettuce, cauliflower, rapeseed, strawberry, tangerine, peach, kiwi, etc.

The best time for conception
Choosing an ideal season for the conception is of great importance for the health of pregnant women and fetal growth. The expert believes that the best time for conception in the late spring or early autumn, ie March-April or September-October is. Scientists once you have researched and analyzed 45 000 students in higher education, found that the rate of movement of children in spring or autumn designed 60% higher than those in summer is designed. This is because the first stage of pregnancy is the time for the formation of the fetal cerebral cortex, but the temperature is too high, react in the hot summer months and pregnant women with severe pregnancy loss of appetite, leading to a recording insufficient protein and excessive consumption of human body, and the temperature is very low in the cold winter with less supply of fresh vegetables, pregnant women and little exercise and lack of fresh air will often do in the limited space and are also likely to catch a cold. All these unfavorable weather conditions can affect the growth of the fetus and intelligence.

Such a claim is reasonable. Many animals gonads are developed in the late spring and early autumn, and usually try to find a sexual partner to find multiply the offspring in these two periods. Obviously, these terms are appropriate to conceive. Therefore, people somehow inspired this, and that is the secret of nature.