Thursday, May 23, 2013

Baby First Aid

If you are pregnant or plan to become pregnant or already the proud mother of a brood are small, serve some knowledge of first-aid baby grows you and your family and develops. You can learn a lot about first aid for infants and the general well-being of babies by reading online (due to for example) or in pounds. However, the theoretical knowledge of first aid is no competition for a "hands on" First Aid Training for Children.
Baby First aid course
Ask your doctor if you find a course in first aid baby in your area.
There are courses that are taught over several weeks, after which you must pass a test to obtain a first aid certificate. These courses generally combine theory and practice. They read and write in first aid, and practicing first aid on the other participants or, in the case of learning infant CPR on a dummy baby.
It is also much shorter course, sometimes consisting of only a morning or afternoon, which. On a particular aspect of first aid baby or the baby's health, such as childhood diseases and vaccines You can probably find these courses through your local community center, your doctor, etc.
Wider course will teach you not only how to deal with major and minor injuries, but also how to look for possible scenarios of first aid and when to take your child for medical reasons, perhaps even emergency treatment. Lookout
First aid training specialized baby
There are special courses for parents of young children. These courses train you not only how to deal with accidents, but also how the management and treatment of childhood diseases, should suddenly become very sick baby. A course like this cover, for example:
- Make a plan for what you are to do in an emergency
- Treat your baby when he is unconscious
- Infant Resuscitation
- Prevent choking baby (and how to treat it when it occurs choking)
- Dealing with asthma and emergencies involving young children with diabetes
- The treatment of head injuries
- Crisis Management
- Stop the bleeding
- The treatment of burns
- Treat sprains, strains and fractures
- What to do in case of poisoning, bites and stings
- Dealing with foreign objects your child can somehow his body (you would be surprised what mothers are in the nose and the ears of the children!)
- And other childhood diseases (eg, allergies, ear infections, measles, meningitis, etc.)

Before you enroll in a course to ensure that it is approved by a pediatric specialist, or adjusted with the help of her doctor for qualified children.
Baby First Aid Kit
An 'early years' first-aid course, you should teach about the equipment and drugs for babies, you need to prepare a first aid kit for your baby at home., You also have the option of buying a pre-assembled. Below are our recommendations on essential baby aid kit ...
- A waterproof case for sustainable kit, preferably one that is easy to transport, you can take it with you wherever you go.
- A safe first-aid manual so that in the heat of battle, if you forget some aspects of your training, you have to use some tips.
- Analgesics medications that are safe for babies (they can be used to treat fever, infections, headaches, etc.).
- A medicine measuring cup or other device that accurately tells you how much medicine to give your child.
- Plaster, tape, bandages and sterile gauze (for strains, cuts, blisters, etc.).
- Antiseptic lotion, wipes, cream or spray to clean wounds.
- Cream antihistamine to relieve itching, painful stings or bites.
Calamine lotion to relieve skin rashes or other skin diseases baby -.
- Scissors, tweezers and ice packs.
- Saline produced specifically for the cleaning of eyes and eye bath (if your child can get something in his eyes).
Digital thermometer to measure the temperature of your baby -.
With a first aid training under your belt your confidence will strengthen and make you better able to deal with minor problems. Note that in a major emergency first aid should only keep the patient until professional medical help still alive. If your baby is bleeding heavily, breathing difficulties, unconsciousness or semi-conscious, a crisis, swallow something poisonous or has symptoms of meningitis - call an ambulance immediately.

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