Make sure your vegetables taste good - cook until it finds are not mushy. Finish with a drizzle of olive oil and top with a little grated cheese.
Set a good example - let the children see both Mom and Dad enjoy vegetables and salads.
They serve at the table. This gives them a sense of independence, allowing them to decide how they want.
If necessary, grated vegetables "hide" such as carrots or zucchini into meatloaf, meatballs or spaghetti sauce.
Try the homemade pizza
Set a good example - let the children see both Mom and Dad enjoy vegetables and salads.
They serve at the table. This gives them a sense of independence, allowing them to decide how they want.
If necessary, grated vegetables "hide" such as carrots or zucchini into meatloaf, meatballs or spaghetti sauce.
Try the homemade pizza
It's a kid-friendly way to serve vegetables. Start with pita bread or pita bread as a base. Spread Spread with tomato paste, herbs and let your child add vegetable toppings with diced ham and grated mozzarella.
Bring raw vegetables
Bring raw vegetables
Try celery sticks, strips of peppers, tomatoes, mushrooms whole Paris, carrots (grated or steamed 3 years), peas, beans, cucumbers, asparagus or steam.
Up their fiber
Buy whole grain bread style lighter or a full soft white instead of from the moment you introduce yourself strong. If you have kids who eat only have white bread, white guys decide to "high".
Use legumes (lentils, chickpeas and beans), bulk up casseroles, Mexican dishes and salads.
Encourage children to eat fruits like apples and pears with the skin.
Shop for cereals rich kid-friendly fibers such as Sultana Bran, especially if one of your children have problems with constipation.
Keep healthy snacks on hand
Stock up on healthy snacks for your children:
Yogurt, plain or fruit Cream
crusty bread with cheese or peanut butter
fresh or toasted bread (preferably whole grain) with propagation
fresh fruit
Raisins, dried apricots, raisins or mixed snacks
Granola bars with nuts or simply type
Raisin bread, toasted Nuts (for children aged 3 years)
Nuts and dried fruit snacks package.
Many rate mini-meals snack - baked beans, soup cup of tea and toast, muffins, pizza, a bowl of cereal and milk, milkshakes and smoothies, hot yogurt.
Do not forget the fluids
Always have cold water in the fridge and bring a bottle of water for her when you are away. Water is the best thirst quencher.
50:50 fruit juice concentrate with water. Limited to one drink per day.
Give milk or water with meals.
Save to treat soft drinks for the holidays and at other times.
Cut back on saturated fats
From the age of 2 years, low fat milk and yogurt in order. Most children do not mind if you do this. It may be a different story if you to leave until they go to school.
If they harass you for hot chips, fries made up for oven fries from healthy oils such as canola fat.
Browse percent fat than the regular version 97 instant noodles. Most parents do not know that instant noodles are a top 17 percent fat!
Up their fiber
Buy whole grain bread style lighter or a full soft white instead of from the moment you introduce yourself strong. If you have kids who eat only have white bread, white guys decide to "high".
Use legumes (lentils, chickpeas and beans), bulk up casseroles, Mexican dishes and salads.
Encourage children to eat fruits like apples and pears with the skin.
Shop for cereals rich kid-friendly fibers such as Sultana Bran, especially if one of your children have problems with constipation.
Keep healthy snacks on hand
Stock up on healthy snacks for your children:
Yogurt, plain or fruit Cream
crusty bread with cheese or peanut butter
fresh or toasted bread (preferably whole grain) with propagation
fresh fruit
Raisins, dried apricots, raisins or mixed snacks
Granola bars with nuts or simply type
Raisin bread, toasted Nuts (for children aged 3 years)
Nuts and dried fruit snacks package.
Many rate mini-meals snack - baked beans, soup cup of tea and toast, muffins, pizza, a bowl of cereal and milk, milkshakes and smoothies, hot yogurt.
Do not forget the fluids
Always have cold water in the fridge and bring a bottle of water for her when you are away. Water is the best thirst quencher.
50:50 fruit juice concentrate with water. Limited to one drink per day.
Give milk or water with meals.
Save to treat soft drinks for the holidays and at other times.
Cut back on saturated fats
From the age of 2 years, low fat milk and yogurt in order. Most children do not mind if you do this. It may be a different story if you to leave until they go to school.
If they harass you for hot chips, fries made up for oven fries from healthy oils such as canola fat.
Browse percent fat than the regular version 97 instant noodles. Most parents do not know that instant noodles are a top 17 percent fat!